Selected Publications

Journal Papers:

  1. Jiahao Liu and Xia Wang, Experimental study of the effect of different pulse charging patterns on lithium-ion battery charging. Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 610, 2024, 234700.PDF
  2. Jiahao Liu and Xia Wang, Investigating effects of pulse charging on performance of Li-ion batteries at low temperature. Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 574, 2023, 233177.PDF
  3. Meng Xu, Xia Wang, Liwen Zhang and Peng Zhao, Comparison of the effect of linear and two-step fast charging protocols on degradation of lithium ion batteries. Energy, Vol. 227, 15 July 2021, 120417.
  4. Liwen Zhang, Peng Zhao, Meng Xu and Xia Wang, Computational identification of the safety regime of Li-ion battery thermal runaway. Applied Energy 261(2020): 114440
  5. Xu, Meng, Benjamin Reichman, and Xia Wang*. "Modeling the effect of electrode thickness on the performance of lithium-ion batteries with experimental validation." Energy 186 (2019): 115864.
  6. Xu, Meng, Rui Wang, Peng Zhao, and Xia Wang*. "Fast charging optimization for lithium-ion batteries based on dynamic programming algorithm and electrochemical-thermal-capacity fade coupled model." Journal of Power Sources 438 (2019): 227015.
  7. Meng, Xu, Rui Wang, Benjamin Reichman, Xia Wang, Modeling the effect of two-stage fast charging protocol on thermal behavior and charging energy efficiency of lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol 20 (2018), 298-309
  8. Bazinski S. J., Wang, X., Sangeorzan, B., and Guessous, L., Measuring and assessing the effective in-plane thermal conductivity of Lithium Ion Phosphate Pouch Cells, Energy, Volume/Issue 114C, Aug 2016, Pages 1085-1092
  9. Bazinski S. J. and Wang, X., Predicting Heat Generation in a Lithium-ion Pouch Cell through Thermography and the Lumped Capacitance Model," Journal of Power Sources, Volume 305, 15 February 2016, Pages 97-105.
  10. Bazinski S. J. and Wang, X., Experimental Study on the Influence of Temperature and State-of-Charge on the Thermophysical Properties of an LFP Pouch Cell, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 293, 20 October 2015, Pages 283-291. PDF
  11. Xu, M., Zhang, Z., Wang, X. Jia, L. and Yang, L., A pseudo three-dimensional electrochemical-thermal model of a prismatic LiFePO4 battery during discharge process, Energy, Volume 80, 1, February 2015, Pages 303–317.PDF
  12. Bazinski S. J. and Wang, X.*, “Thermal Effect of Cooling Cathode Grid Tabs of a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell,” J. Electrochem. Soc. volume 161, issue 14, October 2014, pp. A2168-A2174.PDF
  13. Inman K. and Wang, X., Detection of Liquid Water in the Flow Channels of PEM Fuel Cell using an Optical Sensor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, Issue 34, November 2014, pp. 19691-19700.PDF
  14. Xu, M., Zhang, Z., Wang, X. Jia, L. and Yang, L., “Two Dimensional Electrochemical-thermal coupled modeling of cylindrical LiFePO4 batteries,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 256, pp. 233-243,June 2014.PDF
  15. Bazinski S. J. and Wang, X*., "The Influence of Cell Temperature on the Entropic Coefficient of a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) Pouch Cell,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 161, Issue 1, A168-A175, 2014.PDF
  16. Inman K. and Wang, X., In-Situ Temperature Measurement on Cathode GDL in PEMFC Using an Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 160, Issue 6, F496-F500, 2013.PDF
  17. Clement, J. and Wang, X.,Experimental Investigation of Pulsating Heat Pipe Performance With Regard to Fuel Cell Cooling Application, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 50, Issue 1, pp.268-274, 2013.PDF
  18. Petrach, E., Abu-Isa, I. and Wang, X., Percolation threshold study of a plastic-elastomeric matrix based composite material for bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal of Composite Materials, Nov. 2012, Vol. 46, No. 23, pp.2959-2971.PDF
  19. Shi, Z. and Wang, X., Pore Structure Modeling of Flow in Gas Diffusion Layers of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No.2, pp.021001.1-021001.6, 2012.PDF
  20. Inman, K., Ahmad, Z, Shi, Z, and Wang, X, Design of a proton exchange membrane portable fuel cell system for the 1st international association for hydrogen energy design competition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, Issue 21, pp.13868-13874, 2011.PDF
  21. Zhang, Z., Li, J. , Wang, X. and Ba, Li., Effects of Inlet Humidification on PEM Fuel Cell Dynamic Behaviors, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.35, pp.376-388, 2011.
  22. Inman, K., Wang, X. and Sangeorzan, B., Design of an Optical Thermal Sensor for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Temperature Measurement using Phosphor Thermometry, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, Issue 15, pp. 4753-4757, 2010. Download
  23. Petrach, E., Abu-Isa, I. and Wang, X., Synergy Effects of Conductive Fillers on Elastomer Graphite Composite Material for PEM Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates,Journal of Composite Material, 2010, Download
  24. Shi, Z., Wang, X. and Guessous, L. Effect of Compression on the Water Management of a PEM Fuel Cell with Different Gas Diffusion Layers, ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Vol 7, Issue 2, 021012 (7 pages), 2010. PDF
  25. Koless, J., Wang, X. Liu, J., Shi, Z. and Guessous, L., "Investigation of Bio-inspired Flow Channel Designs for Bipolar Plates in PEM Fuel Cells," J. of Power Sources, Vol 188, Issue 1, pp.132-140, 2009. PDF (3.2M)
  26. Ubong, E., Shi, Z. and Wang, X Three-Dimensional Modeling and Experimental Study of a High Temperature PBI-based PEM Fuel Cell,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 156, Issue 10, B1276-B1282, 2009. PDF
  27. Petrach, E., Abu-Isa. I. and Wang. X., "Investigation of Elastomer Graphite Composite Material for PEM fuel Cell Bipolar Plate," ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 031005, 2009.PDF
  28. Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Li, J. and Mourelatos, Z., "Optimal and Robust Design of the PEM Fuel Cell Cathode Gas Diffusion Layer," SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 1(1): 618-630, 2009.
  29. Shi Z., and Wang, X., "A Numerical Study of Flow Crossover between Adjacent Flow Channels in a PEM Fuel Cell with Serpentine Flow Field," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 185, Issue 2, pp. 985-992, 2008. PDF (1.9M)
  30. Barber, M., Sun, T., Petrach, E., Wang X., and Zou, Q., "Contact Mechanics Approach to Determine Contact Resistance in PEM Fuel Cells," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 185, Issue 2, pp. 1252-1256, 2008. PDF (0.8M)
  31. Zhang, Z., Wang. X., Zhang, X., and Jia, L., "An Optimal Design of PEM Fuel Cell Cathode Electrode," ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science & Technology, Vol. 5, 2008. PP. 031007-1-03100-9. PDF (1.4M)
  32. Wang, X., Castillo, L. and Araya, G., "Temperature Scalings and Profiles in Forced Convection Turbulent Boundary Layers," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.130, Iss.2, 2008, PP. 021707-1-021701-17. PDF (3.0M)
  33. Cal, R.B., Wang, X. and Castillo, L., Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers Subject to Forced Convection and External Pressure Gradient, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 127, pp. 194-198 (2005). PDF (0.6M)
  34. Luciano Castillo, Xia Wang, George W.K., "Separation criterion for turbulent boundary layers via similarity analysis,” Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 3, pp. 297-304, 2004. PDF (0.2M)
  35. Luciano Castillo, Xia Wang, "Similarity analysis for non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers," Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 5, pp. 826-837, 2004. PDF (0.3M)
  36. Xia Wang, Luciano Castillo, "Asymptotic solutions in forced convection turbulent boundary layers," Journal of Turbulence, 4 (006), 2003. PDF (0.8M)

Book Chapters:

  1. Shi, Z. and Wang, X., "Two Dimensional PEM Fuel Cell Modeling using Comsol Multiphysics," Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation, edited by Petrone and Cammarata, pp. 677-688, I-Tech Education and Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-902612-25-7, 2008.
  2. Luciano Castillo and Xia Wang, "The asymptotic profiles in forced convection turbulent boundary layers," IUTAM symposium on Reynolds number scaling in turbulent flow, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2003.

Conference Papers:

  1. Inman, K. and Wang, X. and Sangeorzan, B., Development of an Optical Sensor for Temperature Measurement and Water Droplet Detection in PEMFC Gas Channels, 2011 Energy Sustainability Conference and Fuel Cell Conference, August 7-10, 2011, Washington DC, USA, ESFuelCell2011-54054.
  2. Eggersted, K., Wang, X., Leidel J., and Kobus, K., Initial Development of Optimum Biomass Pellets, 2011 Energy Sustainability Conference and Fuel Cell Conference, August 7-10, 2011, Washington DC, USA, paper number: ESFuelCell2011-54464.
  3. Wang, X., Guessous, L., Barber, G., Zou, Q., Latcha, M., Jia, L., and Zhang, Z., International Research Experience for Engineering Students in China in the Area of Fuel Cells, 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 26-29, 2011, paper number: AC2011-1667.
  4. Y. Ma, L. Jia, Z. Zhang and X. Wang, An ex-situ study of water droplet formation and detachment in gas diffusion layers of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Aug 2-5, 2009, Vail, Colorado.
  5. Z. Shi and X. Wang, Three dimensional non-isothermal model of a high temperature PEM fuel cell, 7th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering, and Technology Conference, June 8-10, 2009 Newport Beach, California, USA.
  6. Ubong, E. U., Shi, Z. and Wang, X., “A-3D-Modeling and Experimental Validation of a High Temperature PBI based PEMFC,” ECS Transaction, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 79-90, 2008.
  7. Wang, X., Barber, G., Guessous, L., Yang, L, Qu, M. and Sethi, I., “International Learning Experience in China for Engineering Students at Oakland University,” 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, TX, Paper Number: AC2009-1282.
  8. Petrach, E., Abu-Isa, I. and Wang, X.,"An Evaluation of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Behaviors of a Silicon Rubber Based Composite Material for PEM Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates,” Society of Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, 2009, paper number: 09 PFL-0773.
  9. Ahmad, Z.Y. and Wang, X.,"Investigation of Fuel Cell Performance and Water Accumulation in a Transparent PEM Fuel Cell," Society of Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, 2009, Paper Number: 09PFL-0770.
  10. Ubong, E. U., Shi, Z. and Wang, X.,"A-3D-Modeling and Experimental Validation of a High Temperature PBI based PEMFC," ECS Transaction, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 79-90, 2008.
  11. Petrach, E., Abu-Isa, I. and Wang, X.,"Optimization of Conductive Fillers of a Composite Material for PEM Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate," The 6th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, June 16-18, 2008, Colorado, U.S.A, Paper Number: FuelCell2008-65097
  12. Shi, Z. and Wang, X.,"Investigation of Porous Gas Diffusion Layer Modeling in PEM Fuel Cells," ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Oct 31-Nov 6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, Paper Number: IMECE2008-68904.
  13. Chanda, S.V. and Wang, X.,"Study of Membrane Ionic Losses in a PEM Fuel Cell Using Dimensional Analysis," ECS Transaction, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2007, pp. 1165 –1172
  14. Shi, Z. and Wang, X., Draper, O.,"Effect of Porosity Distribution of Gas Diffusion Layer on Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells," ECS Transaction, Vol. 11, Issue. 1, 2007, pp. 637-647
  15. Petrach, E., Abu-Isa, I. and Wang, X.,"Investigation of Elastomer Graphite Composite Material for PEM Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate," The 5th ASME International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007, NY, U.S.A
  16. Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Yu, F.,"Optimizing the Performance of a PEM Fuel Cell Using the Powell Algorithm," The 4th ASME International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, 2006, CA, U.S.A
  17. Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, X. and Ubong, E.,"Optimizing Serpentine Channel Geometries in PEM Fuel Cells," EMCWA Conference, 2006, Indiana
  18. Shi, Z., Wang, X.and Zhang, Z."Comparison of Two-Dimensional PEM Fuel Cell Modeling Using COMSOL Multiphysics," Comsol Users Conference, 2006, Boston.
  19. Cal, R., Wang, X.and Castillo, L"Scaling of Favorable Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary layers with Eventual Relaminarization," FEDSM-2005-77486, Proceedings of FEDSM’05, ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Houston, Texas (2005).
  20. Wang, X., Newhall, K., Castillo, L."Velocity Profile for Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary layer," AIAA-2005-4811, 4th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Toronto, Canada, (2005).
  21. Wang, X., and Castillo, L,"A Prediction of the Composite Temperature Profile in Forced Convection Turbulent Boundary Layers," AIAA-2004-1289, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences, Meeting & Exhibit, January 5-8, pp 1-19, Reno, Nevada, (2004).
  22. Wang, X. and Castillo, L., "Equilibrium Similarity Analysis in Forced Convection Turbulent Boundary Layer with and without Pressure Gradient," AIAA-2003-0612, pp 1-14, 41th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, January 6-9, Reno, Nevada, January, (2003).
  23. Cal, R.B., Wang, X., and Castillo, "Similarity Analysis in Transpired Turbulent Boundary Layers Subject to Forced Convection and External Pressure Gradient," L. AIAA-2004-1288, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences, Meeting & Exhibit, January 5-8, pp 1-12, Reno, Nevada, (2004).
  24. Wang, X and Castillo, L.,"The asymptotic temperature profile for forced convection turbulent boundary layer with and without pressure gradient," 4th ASME_JSME Joint Fluid Engineering Conference, FEDSM-2003-45457, July 6-10, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  25. Castillo, L. and Wang, X.,"Similarity analysis for non-equilibrium turbulent Boundary Layers," 3rd Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting 2002, AIAA Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2002-3084, pp 1-10, St. Louis, MO (2002)
  26. Wang, X., and Castillo, L., "Self-Similar Solutions in Forced Convection," 9th Latin, American Congress of Heat and Mass Transfer, pp 1-15, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Oct. 20-22, 2002.
  27. Castillo, L., George, W., and Wang, X., "Characterizing Turbulent Boundary Layers Subject to Strong Adverse Pressure Gradient with Eventual Separation," 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting in New Orleans, Separated and Complex Flows, S-315 FEDSM2001-18112, pp 1-13, (2001). Robert T. Knapp Best Paper Award.

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