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    Dr. Xia Wang

Graduate Students:

    Jiahao Liu (Ph.D Student)
    Zhibang Xu (Ph.D Student)
    Priyanka Yadav (Ph.D student)
    Lei Zhang (Ph.D student)


    Meng Xu, (19 Fall, Ph.D., Isuzu Motors)
    Steven Bazinski,(16 Winter, Ph.D., Oakland University)
    Kristopher Inman (15 Winter, Ph.D., Freudenberg)
    Elaine Petrach (11 Winter, Ph.D., 07 Fall M.S., now with Stellantis)
    Zhongying Shi, (10 Summer, Ph.D., now with Apple Inc.)
    ZihaoTeng,(20 Summer, M.S., Camel Energy)
    Jiahao Liu,(20 Fall, M.S., Ph.D Student at OU)
    Zhibang Xu, (19 Fall, M.S., Ph.D. Student at OU)
    Yu Liu, (19 Summer, M.S.)
    Rich Schuster, (13 Summer, M.S., KLA-Tencor, AZ)
    Kyle Eggerstedt (12 Winter, M.S., now with FCA)
    Zak Ahmad (10 Summer, M.S., now with FCA)
    Kris Inman (09 Fall, M.S., now with Freudenberg)
    Owen Draper (09, Master's, now with FCA)

Visiting Professor and Scholar:

    Dr. Li Jia (2009, Professor at BJTU)
    Dr. Zhuqian Zhang (06-07, now at BJTU)

Undergraduate Students

    Jason Clement (Fall 10, now with the University of Tennessee); Jason Kloess (2008, UM); Joan Liu (2008, Olin); Zak Ahmad (2007, OU); Christine Gerpheide (2007, Grinnell); Carolyn Hutchins (2007, Arizona); Huy Tran (2007, North Carolina State); Trevor Machuga (2006, OU)

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