
Graduate Student Mr. Kristopher Inman won ECS student travel award (Sensor Session) to attend 222th ECS meeting in Hawaii !
Graduate Student Mr. Steve Bazinski won MSGC graduate Fellowship(2012) and OU alumni Scholarhsip(2012)!
Graduate Student Mr. Steve Bazinski won ECS student travel award (Battery Session) to attend 221th ECS meeting in Seattle!
Graduate Student Miss Elaine Petrach successfully defended her Ph.D. Dissertation in March, 2011. Elaine is now working for Chrysler. Congratulations, Dr. Elaine Petrach!
Graduate Student Mr. Zak Ahmad successfully defended his Master's Thesis in July, 2010. Zak is now a Ph.D student at Georgia Tech Institute, and working under the supervision of Dr. Harris. Congratulations, Zak!
Graduate Student Mr. Zhongying(John) Shi successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation in April, 2010. John is now working for General Motors (GM) at Warren, MI. Congratulations, John!
Graduate Student Miss Elaine Petrach recently won the 2010-2011 Michigan Space Grant Consortium(MSGC) Fellowship($5,000)! Congratulations!
Graduate Students Kris Inman, Elaine Petrach, Zhongying Shi recently won the Oakland University Provost Graduate Research Award! Congratulations!

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