Bio Data


Subramaniam Ganesan
Professor of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Associate Director, Product Development and Manufacturing Center Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
Ph: (248) 370-2206 Fax: (248) 370-4625


B.E. Electrical Engineering, Madras University,
M. Tech., Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Ph.D. Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, 1975-79

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Present : Professor of Computer Science and Engineering,Associate Director,Product Development and Manufacturing Center(PDMC).
Present : Visiting Professor,Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore-India(1999-2002).
Present : Consultant and Exterminal Examiner,Ngee Ann Polytechnic,Singapore.
1991-1998 : Professor and Chair, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Oakland University
1986-93 : Associate Professor
1984-86 : Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
1984-85 : Visiting Researcher, School of Eng. & Computer Science (summers) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
1983-84 : Research Associate, Computer Science Department Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
1971-83 : Scientist, Systems Engineering Division, National Aeronautical Laboratory, India
1979-80 : Research Fellow (DAAD), RUHR University, Bochum, West Germany


 HFCL, 1999

 Texas Instruments Inc., 1988-89, 1991

 Motorola Inc., 1989

 Compression Lab, California, Summer 1988

 Vickers, Inc., 1990

 RPS, Inc., 1992,

 Electrocon International, 1992

 Chrysler, General Motors

 HTC Inc., 2004

 Embedded System Consultants Inc., 2005



Principal Publications last few years

Areas of Research Interest

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Last updated: July 3rd, 2005