Vijayarangam Subramanian and S. Ganesan, "An Architecture for MPLS Implementation in Wireless Networks", Proceedings of EIT 2001, IEEE Michigan Chapter conference, Oakland University, Michigan, June 2001.

Vijayarangam Subramanian and S. Ganesan, "QoS Implementation For MPLS Based Wireless Networks", ASEE Conference, April 2002, Oakland University, Michigan, June 2001.


    K. Athappilly, S. Ganesan and C. Chacko, "Decision support systems and the signs of times," 32nd Int. Symp. Software and Hardware Applications of Microcomputers, MIMI87, Fort Collins, Feb. 4-6, 1987, pp. 1- 4.

    S. Ganesan, S. R. Vishnubhotla and S. M. Mahmud, "Graph models for a cache based multiprocessor fault diagnosis," Graph Theory Conference, MIGHTY XI, Ypsilanti, Eastern Michigan University, April 10-11, 1987.

    S. Ganesan, "A reconfigurable multicomputer system for robotic applications," Proceedings of 2nd Int. Conf. on Robotics & Factories of the Future, San Diego, pp. 735-742, July 28-31, 1987.

    S. R. Vishnubhotla, S. Ganesan and S. M. Mahmud, "Integrating a fail-safe selfchecking unit for robot fault recovery management," 2nd Int. Conf. on Robotics & Factories of Future, San Diego, July 28-31, 1987.

    S. Ganesan, S. R. Vishnubhotla and S. M. Mahmud, "Failsafe/diagnosable multiprocessor system for robotics applications," 2nd Int. Conf. on Robotics & Factories of Future, San Diego, July 28-31, 1987.

    S. Ganesan, "A digital signal processing microprocessor based workstation for myoelectric signals," Int. Conf. on Systems Engineering, Wright State University, pp. 427- 438, September 9-11, 1987.

    S. Ganesan, "A multimicrocomputer project for undergraduate laboratory," ASEE journal on Computers in Education, COED, Volume III, No. 4, pp. 13 - 18 December, 1987.

    S. Ganesan, "Design in a microcomputer communication course," accepted for publication in ASEE Computer in Education Journal, pp. 38 - 41, April-June 1988.

    S. Ganesan, "A course on multi micro computer systems with emphasis on design," IEEE Transactions on Education, August 1988, pp. 165-171.

    S. Ganesan, "A microprocessor based system for vibration testing of aircraft structures," Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Conference, Washington, pp. 383-387, 1989, April 25-27.

    S. Ganesan and S. R. Vishnubhotla, "Multimicroprocessor system for real time analysis of noise transmission paths in automobiles," Proceedings of 20th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 1195-1199, May 1989.

    S. R. Vishnubhotla, S. Ganesan, "Simulation of digital circuits for fault diagnosis," Proceedings of 20th Annual Pittsburgh Modeling and Simulation Conference, pp. 1729-1733, May 1989.

    S. M. Mahmud, A. Rusek, S. Ganesan, "A microprocessor based dual slope phase meter," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, September 1988, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 374-378.

    S. Ganesan, J. W. Atwood, M. O. Ahmad, "A microprocessor based multi-channel strain and temperature measurement system," The International Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1989.

    S. Ganesan, "Designing signal processors with DSP and Bit-slice microprocessors, " ASEE Journal on Computer in Education, pp. 57-61, July 1989.

    R. P. Sharma and S. Ganesan, "Microprocessor based fluid control system," International Journal of Microcomputer Applications, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 5-9, 1989.

    R. P. Sharma and S. Ganesan, and B. Thacker, "Closed loop engine control using multiple microprocessors," ASME Energy Sources Technology Conference, Houston, Jan. 20-23, 1991.

    S. Mahalingam, S. Ganesan, "Algorithm independent data flow mapping on a unified VLSI architecture," Proceedings of First Great Lakes VLSI Symposium, Kalamazoo, MI, March 1991.

    S. Ganesan, J. Hemingway and R. Habbad, "Stand alone modem design using the AM79C12," Microprocessors and Microsystem Journal, Vol. 15, No. 32, March 1991, pp. 113-117.

    K. N. Rao, S. Ganesan, "Design of a custom digital signal processor chip using VHDL," Proceedings of ASEE-NCS Conference, April 4-6, 1991, Saginaw, MI pp. 101-104.

    S. Ganesan, "MIMD/SIMD/array system with multiple DSP TMS 320C40 processors for image processing," Technical Report, Oakland University, July 1991, TR CSE 91-7-3.

    S. Ganesan, "A dual DSP microprocessor system for real-time digital correlation," Microprocessor and Microsystems Journal, Vol. 15, No. 7, September 1991, pp. 379-384.

    S. Mahalingam, S. Ganesan, "Non-numeric algorithm mapping on the P_arrray: Dataflow mapping and complexity analysis," Third Great Lakes Computer Science Symposium, October 1991.

    P. V. R. Raja and S. Ganesan, "An SIMD multiple DSP microprocessor system for image processing," Microprocessor and Microsystems Journal, Vol. 15, No. 9, November 1991, pp. 493- 501.

    S. Ganesan, "Multiprocessor architectures using the DSP TMS 320C40 processors," The Computer Applications Journal, The Circuit Cellar Project File, Vol. 2, 1993, pp. 1- 12.

    S. Ganesan, "TI’s Dual DSPs have variable delay wait states ," Electronic Engineering, January 1993, pp. 30 - 31..

    S. Ganesan, "Advanced digital signal processors and automotive applications," ASEE Annual Conference, June 1992.

    T. Ramesh and S. Ganesan, "Reconfigurable shared and dedicated bus multiprocessor for parallel computing," Computers and Engineering - An International Journal, published by Pergamon Press, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 377 - 386, 1993.

    S. Ganesan, "A multiple DSP TMS320C40 processor system for computer vision applications," Proceedings of Second Annual TMS320 DSP Conference, Texas Instruments, Houston, August 5-7, 1992, Vol. 4, pp. 111-124.

    R. P. Sharma, S. Ganesan, S. Joshi, V. Douzieck and R. D. Morrison, "Development of TRIUNE engine and DSP microprocessor based engine controller," ASME ICE, Fall Technical Conference, Waterloo, Iowa, October 1992.

    C. Nie and S. Ganesan, "A self-adaptive test system for employees," Proceedings of 1992 International Computer Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan, December 13-15, 1992, pp. 1197-1204.

    S. Ganesan, S. Mahalingam and S. Nagabhushana, "VLSI synthesis of a programmable DWT chip for optimal choice of a prototype wavelet," Proceedings of 3rd Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, March 5-6, 93, Kalamazoo, MI, pp. 127-131.

    V. Kamat, O. Altan and S. Ganesan, "Hough Transform for Vehicle Identification," Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles, Tokyo, Japan, July 14-16, 1993, pp. 230 234..

    S. Mahalingam, S. Nagabhushana and S. Ganesan, "Real Time Identification of Ventricular Late Potential Abnormality in ECG Using Wavelet Transforms," Proceedings of Texas Instruments DSP Conference, Vol. 2, August 1993.

    V. Kamat and S. Ganesan, "A fast algorithm for vehicle identification using DSP," International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, San Jose Sept. 28, 1993, pp. 875 - 884.

    P. V. Raja and S. Ganesan, "A Hardware Based Snooping Cache Coherency Protocol," 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 1993, pp. 181 - 184

    T. Ramesh and S. Ganesan, "Bus Arbitration in an Embedded Processor-shared Multiprocessor System," 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, August 1993, pp. 320 - 322.

    T. Ramesh, and S. Ganesan, " Reconfigurable model for a SIMD/ MIMD coupled multiprocessor system ", Proceedings of Workshop on Reconfigurable Architectures, 8th International Parallel Processing Symposium, April 26, 1994.

    V. Kamat and S. Ganesan, " A vision based algorithm for traffic sign detection, " DSPx conference, May 16- 18, 1995, pp. 394- 406.

    V. Kamat and S. Ganesan, " An efficient implementation of the Hough Transform for detecting vehicle license plates using DSPs", IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications symposium, May 15- 17, 1995.

    K. N. Rao and S. Ganesan, " Knowledge based Genetic Algorithm for datapath synthesis", International Conference on Control and Information, ICCI95, June 5-9, 1995, pp. 177- 180.

    S. Ganesan, " DSP processor based fuzzy controller for automotive engine idle speed ", Fifth Annual TMS 320 Educators conference by Texas Instruments, Houston, August 10- 11, 1995

    S. Ganesan, M. Tirumale, and b. Vijayendra, " Fuzzy controller for automotive engine idle speed " International conference on Automation ICAUTO 95, Indore, India, December, 12- 14, 1995.

    S. Ganesan and S. B. Chande, " A Multiple DSP TMS 320C40 processor system for Computer Vision and Automation Applications", International Conference on Industrial Measurements and Automation, Madras, India, January 3- 7, 1996.

    K.N.Rao and S.Ganesan, "ASIC benchmarking using Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm", Proceedings of International ICSC Symposia on Soft Computing (SOCO 96), March 26-28, 1996, pages B32-38.

    P.V. Raja, S.Ganesan, P.A. Venkatachalam, "Data Sharing in multiprocessors: hardware solutions" Proceedings of International conference on Robotics vision, parallel processing for industrial automation, Malaysia, November 28-30, 1996

    P.V. Raja, S.Ganesan, P.A. Venkatachalam, "Simulation of tightly coupled multiprocessors " Proceedings of International conference on Robotics vision, parallel processing for industrial automation, Malaysia, November 28-30, 1996

    S. Ganesan, " Digital Signal Processing Design using TMS320C5X processor", ASEE annual conference, June 1997. Proceedings is published in CD-ROM.

    S. Ganesan,and S. Pendyala " Fuzzy Engine controller using TMS32C5X," 7th Annual TMS320 Educators Conference proceedings, DSPFest, Texas Instruments, Houston, July 30, 1997.

    S. Ganesan, " Real time simulation of a process with information exchange through internet" Proceedings of international conference on Concurrent Engineering, Augst 1997, pp. 146-147.

    S. R. Vishnubhotla, S. Ganesan, "Computer Engineering Curriculum at Oakland University," IEEE Computer Architecture Technical Committee Newsletter (journal), Fall, 1996.

    V. Sadekar and S. Ganesan, " Complete Description of Multiple line Segments using Hough Transform", Special Issue of Image and Vision Computing Journal, 1998.


    S. Ganesan, “Digital Signal Processing Design using TMS320C5x processor” Computers in Education Journal, June 1998.

    K.N. Rao, and S. Ganesan, “ Datapath Synthesis using Genetic Algorithm”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, an International Journal, Vol. 26, 2000, pp. 337-349.

    B. Prasad, S. Ganesan, “ Concurrent Engineering and Work Group Computing” Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Mercel Dekker Inc, 30 pages,  Vol. 25, August 2000, pp. 73-95.

    S.Ganesan and R. Ballal,” Technical Challenges and business opportunities in Automotive Electronics”, IEEE looking.forward newsletter, pages 2-4, Spring 2000.

    V.Alladi, S.Ganesan, “E-Commerce soultions for businesses”, IEEE looking.forward newsletter, pages 2-4, Spring 2000.

    S.Ganesan,v.Alladi and R.Ballal,” Auto PC in-vehicle computing and internet interface”, IEEE looking.forward newsletter, pages 2-4, Spring 2000.

    S.Ganesan and A.Shanthi, “Computer Network and Agile manufacturing- current and future” Inernational Journal of Agile Manufacturing, Vol.3, isse 1, 2000, pp. 63-70.

    Subra Ganesan and H. Mousavinezhad, Guest Editor – Integrated Computer aided Engineering Journal, Editor’s introduction to the issue. Special issue on Information Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2002.


     Subra Ganesan, “Computer Engineering Curriculum” SIGCSE-WCAE proceedings, 2003.

    Subra Ganesan, V. Alladi, J.Wei and K.alladi “Designing Embedded Ral time systems with Model Driven Architecture”, SAE Special publication SP 1857,  March 2004.

    S. Ganesan, A. Venkat and A. Gopal, “ DSP based Electric Power Steering system”, TIMA 99 conference, Jan. 7-11, 1999, Proceedings, pp. 169-184.

    S. Kaur, B. Madan, S. Ganesan, “Efficient Multicasting in mobile IP”, IEEE Wireless and Networking conference, WCNC September 1999.

    R.P.Sharma, S.Y. Yasin, S. Ganesan, “ Spark Ignition Engine Control using Fuzzy: A three phase control with combined control variables”,  ASME ICE Fall Technical Conference, October 17-20, 1999, Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 9-17

    R.P.Sharma, S. Ganesan, S.Y. Yasin, “A systematic approach for designing a fuzzy logic controller using analytical method: Application to Idle Speed Engine Control”, ASME ICE Fall Technical Conference, October 17-20, 1999, Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 27-35.

    S.B.Chande, A. Sinha, M.Das, S.Ganesan, “Hybrid Dataflow approach- a new architecture based on dataflow and SIMD principles for a class of image processing Applications”, IEEE EIT conference, Chicago, June 2000.

    S. Mahalingam, S. Ganesan, S.R.Vishnubhotla,” A feedforward Neural Network based DWT chip for the detection of VLP’s in ECG” IEEE EIT conference, Chicago, June 2000.

    R.P. Sharma, S. Yasin and S. Ganesan, “ Fuzzy logic control applications in automotive cruise control and spark ignition engines”, ASME, ICE Fall 2000 conference Proceedings ,Peoria, Sept 24-27, 2000.

    S.B.Chande, A. Sinha and S.Ganesan, “ A new Image processing architecture based on dataflow and asynchronous SIMD”, 7th International conference on High Performance Computing, HIPC, Bangalore, India, December 2000.

    S.Ganesan, “ Real time system course and lab projects”, ASEE NCS annual Conference CDROM proceedings, Cleveland, April 6-7, 2001.

    R.P.Sharma, S.Yasin, S.Ganesan, ”Fuzzy logic parameter selection and their influence on the controller performance and stability”, IEEE EIT 2001 conference, June 2001.

    S.Vishnubhotla  and S.Ganesan, “Undergrad curricula in CS and CE” IEEE EIT 2001 conference, June 2001.

    S.Vijayarangam, S.Ganesan, “An architecture for MPLS implementation in wireless networks”, IEEE EIT 2001 conference, June 2001.

    S. Kaur, S.Ganesan, “Mobile IP and Implementation of Regional Registration”, IEEE EIT 2001 conference, June 2001- Received Best Paper Award.

    S.Ganesan, Pat Dessert, S.Yasin and R.P.Sharma, “An Idle speed controller using analytically developed Fuzzy logic control law” SAE World congress, SAE 2002-01-0138, March 4-7, 2002

    S. Vijayarangam and S.Ganesan, “ A MPLS QoS implementation Scheme for Wireless Networks”, ASEE NCS conference, April 5-6, 2002.

    S. Yasin, R.P.Sharma, S.Ganesan, “Fuzzy controller using normalized spline membership functions for inverted pendulum control problem”, ASEE NCS conference, April 5-6, 2002.

    V.Alladi and S.Ganesan, “Design of a UML based evolutionary architectural prototype for embedded DSP based systems in automotive applications”, ASEE NCS conference, April 5-6, 2002.

    S.Ganesan and P.Dessert, “DSP in Embedded system”, ASEE annual conference, Montral,  June 2002.

    S.Ganesan and P.Dessert, “Design in real time system course”, ASEE annual conference, Montreal, June 2002S.

    .Ganesan, “ DSPs and Interfacing Techniques” Workshop on DSP/FPGA, Chennai, India, June 24-25, 2002.

    S. Ganesan, “ A real time DSP and FPGA Application- a case study”, Workshop on DSP/FPGA, Chennai, India, June 24-25, 2002.

    S.Ganesan, “ DSP in Automotive applications”, MIT, Anna University, June 26, 2002.

    S.Ganesan, and P. Dessert, “DSP system design using DSK 6711” TI Developer’s conference,  Houston, August 6-8, 2002.

    V.Alladi, J.Wei, and S.Ganesan, “ Addressing Integration Challenges, Risks, Scope and Reuse in Large-scale projects and programs: An obsevationsal case study,” IEEE EIT 2003 conference June 2003.

    J.Wei, V. Alladi, S.Ganesan, “ Domain Driven Reuse- An approach to effective reuse management in Agile World”, IEEE EIT 2003 conference, June 2003.

    Rangam and S.Ganesan, “QOS and MPLS” 3rd Intelligent Vehicle conference, Traverse City, June 9-10, 2003.

     Satwant Kaur, Madan and Subra Ganesan, “  Multicast Extension options for Mobile IP“ Internatiojnal conference on Computer. Communication, and control technologies: CCCT July 31, August 1-2, 2003.

     Subra Ganesan, “ Advances in DSP and machine vision systems” Confernece AMSA, Dember 17-18, 2003.

    Subra Ganesan “ CAN and LIN networks- a Tutorial” 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM, December 17- 20, 2003.

    Subra Ganesan, “Advances in Parallel Architectures” Workshop held at Vetronics institute, TACOM, Jan 19, 2004.

    Subra Ganesan and Vijaya Rangam, “ MPLS Wireless Protocol” General Dynamics, Workshop, Feb 2004.

    Subra Ganesan, V. Alladi, J.Wei, K.Alladi “Designing Embedded Ral time systems with Model Driven Architecture”, SAE World Congress,  SP- 2004-01-0358, March 2004



    Volume 1: Microcomputer Fundamentals and Word Star IV
    Volume 2: Basics and advanced features of DBASE II Plus
    Volume 3: Basics and advanced features of LOTUS 1-2-3
    Volume 4: Advanced applications using LOTUS Macros, HAL, DBASE III Plus  and File Sharing Techniques by Kuriakose Athappilli, K. C. Chacko, Subramaniam Ganesan, and Gatmaitan, published by Merrill Publishing Company, 1989.

     Introduction and Applications of 1-2-3, LOTUS Spread-sheet, by Subramaniam Ganesan, published by HP Microsystems Inc., 1989.

     Digital Signal Processing Design using TMS 320C5X, AMS Educational Division, by S.Ganesan, R. Sudhakar, Raj Shah, 1996, ISBN 0-9642962-5-X.(Contains a C5x board, software, interface card, display sound interface, power supply and book

    S.Ganesan, Editor “ Advances in Concurrent Engineering” Technomic Publishing Co., BOOK, 540 pages ISBN -1-56676-604 -4, 1997.

    S.Ganesan, Editor “ Electro Information Technology- Proceedings of IEEE EIT 2001”,  IEEE Region 4,  June 2001.

    Subra Ganesan, Chitra Gopal, “ An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java”,  Anuradha Publishers, ISBN:  ; 2003


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