Welcome to the IEEE Southeast Michigan Chapter V Site
This is the web site for the southeast michigan, chapter 5, computer chapter of the IEEE. This web site is devoted to serving the IEEE community of Southeast Michigan with up-to-date and interesting content for IEEE members and alike. Please feel free to submit any comments or upcomming events through the contact link at the bottom.
IEEE Embedded System Workshop
September 29, 2007, 8:30 a.m. to 4
p.m. (Saturday)
Dodge Hall – Room 201
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan 48309
IEEE South East Michigan Computer Chapter, jointly with GL-Spin.
and Oakland University, is offering a one-day (free) workshop on
Embedded Systems. This is a free workshop open to all engineers and
students. This is the second in a series of in-depth workshops in
embedded system design
and applications. The aim of this workshop is to disseminate
knowledge, benefit the IEEE members and indirectly improve the
technology and Michigan economy. Speakers and experts from the
embedded systems industry will be making presentations, and will
also be available for discussions and networking throughout the day
(see page two for a tentative agenda). Please be sure to publicize
this event in your organization for maximum participation in this
Limited seating is available. Please confirm your participation with
Prof. Ganesan via email:
ganesan@oakland.edu. When responding, please indicate your lunch
preference: turkey, chicken or cheese sandwich. For Technical
questions, contact: Prof. Subra Ganesan at:
ganesan@oakland.edu or by phone: 248 370 2206.
For more information click