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Teachable Moments

The teamwork in the lab is really what makes the lab and the research creative, innovative, exciting, and fun. The success in our endeavors are kept in written records and will be reflected in future advances that build upon our work.

The lessons learned, hard work, camaraderie, relationships, and good times will always be in our minds and hearts and will be reflected in our words and actions as we influence others for the rest of our lives.

On occasion, we are lucky to capture some of these moments on camera.

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things ... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
- Walt Disney

The Rat Race ;-)

And there we go.... a typical hardworking, fun group at a work session in the lab

Now you see 'em
Now you don't!
Mark and Bryant, the Winter 2010 Nano-Imaging Technology R&D Lab undergrads power team

Members from Oakland University's chapter of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
at the 2006 Annual meeting in New York, NY to present a research paper.

SIBHI (Summer Institute for Bioengineering and Health Informatics)
Left:  SIBHI students chat with Drs. Elhajj, Zohdy, Mili, and Hanna during orientation
Right:  SIBHI picnic

Mike, Brian, Lawrence, and Dr. Hanna (taking the picture) working in the lab
November 2005

Jason Gorski and Loretta Macklem at the 2005 MSGC Conference at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
where Jason won an award for outstanding student work.