Lianxiang Yang, Ph.D., Fellow SAE & SPIE
Distinguished Professor

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Patents in USA and Germany

  1. US Patent: 10,841,560, approved on 2020/11/17, "3D Digital Image Correlation Using Single Color Camera Pseudo-Stereo System," by L.X. Yang, J.R. Li, G. Yang, W. Xu, and B.Y.Zhang

  2. US patent: 10,330,463, approved on 2019/06/25, "Spatial Phase-Shift Shearography System for Nondestructive Testing and Strain Measurement." by L.X. Yang, X. Xie, N. Xu, and X. Chen

  3. US patent: 8,875,579, approved on 2012/03/26, "Method and Apparatus for Non-Destructive Weld Testing", by L Lev, R. Gu, L.X. Yang, and N Xu

  4. US patent: 6,462,858B1, approved on 2002/10/08, “Fast attenuator,” by R. I. Mcdonald, L.X. Yang, P. Lonjoux, and P. Colbourne, and M. Mala

  5. US Patent Application: 20,160,320,176, published on 2016/11/03, "Digital Shearography NDT System for Speckless Objects," by L.X. Yang, X. Xie, N Xu, and X. Chen

  6. German Patent Application: P19814221.8 (1998), "Fast determination of phase distribution," by W. Steinchen, G. Kupfer, L.X. Yang, P. Maeckle, and F. Voessing

  7. German Patent Application: 19716785.3 (1997), "Technique and Device of Interferometric Measurement of Displacement Derivatives on an Curved Object Surface," by W. Steinchen, G. Kupfer, L.X. Yang, and P. Maeckel

  8. German Patent Application: 19640153.4 (1996) "Technique and Device of an Interferometer - a Combination of TV-Holography and TV-Shearography," by W. Steinchen, L.X. Yang, and G. Kupfer)

  9. German Patent Application: 19639213.6 (1996) "Shearing Interferometry for Vibration Analysis," by W. Steinchen, L.X. Yang, and G. Kupfer

  10. German Patent Application: 19643443.2 (1996) "Mechanical Switch of Light Beam," by W. Steinchen, P. Maeckel, L.X. Yang, and G. Kupfer

  11. German Patent Application: 4446887.3 (1994) "In-Plane Strain Measurement by Shearing-Interferometry," by W. Steinchen, M. Schuth, L.X. Yang, and G. Kupfer

  12. German Patent Application: 4313459 (1993) "Technique, Device and Shearing Element of Speckle Shearing Interferometry," by W. Steinchen, M. Schuth, G. Kupfer, and L.X. Yang