Grants and Contracts

Lianxiang Yang, Ph.D., Fellow SAE & SPIE
Distinguished Professor

  Research Team
  Grants and Contracts
  Books & Publications

Grants and Contracts

  1. Advanced NDE/NDT Methods for Composite and Hybrid Material Joints, PI, 01/2022-12/2024, a Research Project from Composite and Hybrid Materials Interfacing Center of NSF
  2. Study and Understand the Effects of Draw Bead Enhanced Formability In Aluminum Alloys, 01/2023-12/2023, a Research Project from Novelis Automotive Center, Novi, Michigan
  3. Formability of Laser Welded Blanks, Phase I-Part II, PI, 01/2023-06/2023, a Research Project from Auto/Steel Partnership (ASP)
  4. DIC Test on Enhanced Formability effect of AHSS, PI, 08/2021-08/2022, Part of a Research Project of Enhanced Formability effect of AHSS from Auto/Steel Partnership (ASP)
  5. Quality and Performance Evaluation of Suction Cups: Phase III: Durability Tests/Evaluations (2), PI. 01/2021 – 12/2021, Stellantis
  6. Quality and Performance Evaluation of Suction Cups: Phase II: Durability Tests/Evaluations (1), PI, 01/2020 – 12/2020, Stellantis
  7. Quality and Performance Evaluation of Suction Cups: Phase I: Maximum Force and Release Time Test, PI, 01/2019 – 12/2019, Stellantis
  8. Measurement on Panel Dynamic Response during Transferring Process, PI, 12/2018-11/2019, FiatChrysler LLC
  9. Benchmark Study of XT-DIC with a State-of-the-Arts DIC System, PI, 07/2018-10/2018, Vission Express LLC
  10. Synchronization of DIC image acquisition and mechanical testing, PI, 06/2018-08/2018, US Steel
  11. Strain Measurements on Stretch Bending with DIC Systems, PI, 06/2018-09/2018, FiatChrysler LLC
  12. Sheet Metal Springback (Side-Wall-Curl) Study, PI, 05/2018-09/2018, FiatChrysler LLC
  13. Development of Advanced Measurement Technique (Multi-Cameras DIC System) for Carbon Fiber Composites, PI, 04/17 – 03/19, A Research Project from Ford University Research Program (Ford URP)
  14. Friction Test, PI, 01/2018-06/2018, Engineering Quality Solutions (EQS)
  15. Shear test of New Materials by DIC, PI, 01/2018-06/2018, Mahindra ltd
  16. Exhaust Manifold (EM) Fastner Displacement Measurement under High Temperature by Digital Image Correction Method, PI, 08/2017-08/2018, FiatChrysler LLC
  17. New Standand Inclined Draw Bead Test, PI, 08/17 – 08/18, FiatChrysler LLC
  18. Development of a 3-D Digital Image Correlation based NDE system for Qualification of Additive Manufacturing Parts (Phase I), PI, 08/17-02/18, a research project from X-Wave Innovation, Inc (A Subctract from NIST SBIR project)
  19. R Value Test for a material, PI, 09/2017-10/2017, ESI North America Inc.
  20. Variable Draw-Bead Motion on Aluminum Sheet Springback Study, PI, 08/17 – 12/17, FiatChrysler LLC
  21. Friction Test, PI, 07/2017-08/2017, Engineering Quality Solutions (EQS)
  22. DIC study on Forming Limits of Stretch-Bending of AHSS with Different Radius (Phase II), PI, 04/17 – 12/17, Auto/Steel Partnership-ASP
  23. Stretch-Bend (Bouble Bead Tensile) Friction Coefficient Testing on Aluminum Sheet Strips, PI, 05/17 – 08/17, FiatChrysler LLC
  24. Forming Limits of Stretch-Bending of AHSS (Phase I), PI, 07/2016-04/2017, Auto/Steel Partnership (ASP)
  25. DIC Study of Incremental Bending - Phase II, PI, 08/17 – 12/17, FiatChrysler LLC
  26. DIC Study of Incremental Bending - Phase I, PI, 01/17 – 07/17, FiatChrysler LLC
  27. Inclined Aluminum Double Bead Test, PI, 10/2016-02/2017, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US LLC
  28. DIC for Cast Aluminnum Part Tensile Test, PI, 10/2016-11/2016, Mahindra ltd
  29. Friction Test, PI, 10/2016-12/2016, Engineering Quality Solutions (EQS)
  30. Pre-strain half dog bone shaped coupons for edge cracking limit experients with DIC strain measurements, PI, 06/2016-12/2016, Auto/Steel Partnership (ASP)
  31. Friction Coefficient Evaluation: Lubrication Performance, PI, 05/2016-08/2016, Engineering Quality Solutions
  32. Aluminum Sheet Springback (Side-Wall-Curl) Study, PI, 06/2015-09/2016, Aleris Inc. & Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US LLC
  33. Stretch-Bend Fracture Limit Study, PI (Co-PI: Dr. Rodrigue Narainen), 01/2015-08/2016, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US LLC
  34. Class A Surface Impact Line Damage Study, PI (Co-PI: Dr. Rodrigue Narainen), 10/2015-06/2016, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US LLC
  35. Pre-strain wide coupons for Edge Cracking limit experiments with DIC strain measurements, PI, 07/2015-04/2016, Auto/Steel Partnership (ASP)
  36. Advanced Digital Image Correlation (DIC) analysis on injection molded polymer/CF composites, PI, 09/2015-12/2015, Ford Motor Company
  37. DIC for Tensile Testing on Advanced Materials, PI, 10/2015-11/2015, Mahindra & Mahindra, ltd
  38. Conduct 4” Wide Pre-straining and the Notched Edge Cracking limit Strain tensile experiments with DIC strain measurements - AA-5182, AA6000BR Case Study, PI, 07/2015-12/2015, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US LLC
  39. Aluminum Edge Tearing Limit Test, PI, 03/2015-09/2015, Chrysler LLC
  40. Piercing Hole Springback Study with Various Punch Tips, PI, 01/2015-09/2015, Chrysler LLC
  41. Friction Coefficient Evaluation: Lubrication Performance, PI (Co-PI: Dr. Rodrigue Narainen), 04/2015-07/2015, Engineering Quality Solutions, Inc (EQS)
  42. Influence of Draw Speed and/or Pressure on friction coefficient on Aluminum sheet, PI (Co-PI: Dr. Rodrigue Narainen), 03/2015-06/2015, Chrysler LLC
  43. Lubrication Performance Evaluation Test on Aluminum sheets, PI (Co-PI: Dr. Rodrigue Narainen), 03/2015-06/2015, Chrysler LLC
  44. Pre-straining and Notched Edge Cracking limit strain tensile experiments with DIC strain measurements, PI, 09/2014-04/2015, Chrysler LLC
  45. Experimental draw bead simulation on aluminum sheet samples involving inclined single and double beads configurations, PI, 09/2014-12/2014, Ford Motor Company
  46. Experimental draw bead simulation involving inclined new single beads configurations, PI, 09/2014-12/2014, AK-Steel
  47. Pre-strain of metal sheet samples using new 4" wide draw beads blocks and lubrication performance evaluation, PI, 09/2014-12/2014, Chrysler LLC
  48. Experimental draw bead simulation involving inclined double beads configuration using DIC system, PI, 06/2014-12/2014, AK-Steel
  49. Automatic Die-Starter Design Program: Phase 2, PI, 07/2014-12/2014, ESI-Group
  50. Aluminum Edge Tearing Study, PI, 07/2014-12/2014, Chrysler LLC
  51. Development of DIC for Aluminum Edge Cracking Measurement, PI, 01/2014-12/2014, Chrysler LLC
  52. Development of Shearography System with a Wide Angle of View, PI, 01/2014-12/2014, Tongji University
  53. Tensile Testing on Advanced Materials using 3D Digital Image Correlation, PI, 07/2014-08/2014, Mahindra & Mahindra, ltd
  54. Study on the valve of gas insulating joint and insulating flange of equipment, PI, 11/2013-08/2014, Suzhou Gas Equipment & Valve Manufacturing Company
  55. 3D Displacement Measurement on a Prototype Ford Engine, PI, 11/2013-04/2014, Ford Motor Company,
  56. Improvement of Expanded Laser Beam in the Frontal Area System, PI, 11/2013-04/2014, Chrysler LLC,
  57. Digital Image Correlation System for Universal Forming Limit Determination, PI, 07/2013-12/2013, Auto/Steel Partnership-AISI
  58. DIC FLD0 determination on Pre-stained Aluminum Sheets, PI, 01/2013-07/2013, Chrysler LLC
  59. AS-7001 Nonlinear Strain Paths: Forming Limit Measurement for DP600 and Trip 780, PI, 09/2012-12/2012, Auto-Steel Partnership/AISI
  60. AS-7001 Nonlinear Strain Paths: Create Database & Uniaxial Testing, PI, 01/2012-12/2012, Auto-Steel Partnership
  61. Digital Image Correlation for Forming Limit Determination on Trip-780, PI, 07/2012-10/2012, Chrysler LLC
  62. Prototype Pre-Production System for Shearographic Inspection of Battery Weld Joints, PI, 12/2011-08/2012, General Motor (GM)
  63. Monochromatic Light Illuminated High-Speed Digital Image Correlation System for Full-Field, High Temperature Strain and Displacement Measurement, one of multi-PIs, 07/2009 - 06/2012, Phase I and II of SBIR/STTR Project
  64. Developing a Hybrid NDT Method and a Shearographic Prototype for Inspection of Weld Joints on GM New Battery, PI, 05/2011-05/2012, General Motor (GM)
  65. Hybrid NDE method for Spot Weld Quality Evaluation, PI, 01/2011 -01/2012, USAMP-NDT Committee
  66. Draw Die Measurement Using DIC Technique - A subproject of "Nonlinear Strain Paths ASP 061 Project," PI, From 05/2011-12/2011, USAMP
  67. Developing a Digital Shearography System for Vibration Analysis, PI, 06/2010-12/2011, University of Mississippi
  68. Nonlinear Strain Paths Project ASP 061 - Tensile Tests on ASTM E8 Test Specimens Using DIC Technique, PI, 06/2010-04/2011, ASP
  69. NDE Feasibility Study on Weld Joints, PI, 08/2010-12/2010, General Motor (GM)
  70. Investigation and measurement of strain distribution for hole expansions, PI, 05/2010-11/2010, USAMP
  71. Measure Strain Distribution of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) Materials on Uni-axial Deformation up to Fracture Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC), PI, 2009-2010 (Co-PI: Dr. Lorenzo Smith), United State Auto/Steel Partnership
  72. Study on Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) Formability Sensitivity to Orientation, Co-PI, 2009-2010 (PI: Dr. Lorenzo Smith, Co-PI: Dr. Lian X. Yang), United State Auto/Steel Partnership
  73. Development of Digital Laser Micro-Interferometry to Deformation and Strain Measurement of Microstructures, PI, 2007-2009, Trier University of Science, Germany (a part of a German National Fund)
  74. Develop Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry (DSPI) for Measuring Static and Dynamic Strains on Bones, PI, 03/2006-02/2008, a part of the NIH fund "R01AR52144"
  75. Optical Experimental Measurement of Die Deflections, PI, 2006-2007, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Michigan, USA
  76. Optical tracing and mathematic formulation for stamping panel vibration, PI, 2005-2006, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Michigan, USA
  77. Study of manufacturing process and analysis of topographic features of cluth plates, Co-PI, 2005 - 2006, BorgWarner Emissions/Thermal Systems, Michigan, USA, (PI: Dr. L. Smith, Co-PI: Dr. B. Zou, Dr. L. Yang, Dr. R. Gu, Dr. G. Barber)
  78. Optical and strain gauge measurement for components and structures of advanced stamping manufacturing (ASME), PI, 2005-2006, DaimlerChrysler Corporation,Michigan, USA
  79. Received a Research Excellence Fund of School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University, 2005-2006
  80. Strain measurement on hem edge and AHSS rail stampings, PI, 2004-2005, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Michigan, USA
  81. Surface distortion measurement on Door Panel, PI, 2004-2005, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Michigan, USA
  82. 6D Laser Tracker Modeling, PI, 2003-2004, API Automation Precision Inc., Maryland, USA
  83. Software Development of 3D-Contour Measurement base on DMD Technique, PI, 2003-2004, Ford Motor Company, USA and API Automation Precision Inc. Maryland, USA
  84. Time dependent thermal strain measurement using digital shearography, PI, 2003-2004, DOW Chemical Company, Michigan, USA
  85. Study on digital holography for biomedical engineering, PI, 2003, Research Fellowship of Oakland University
  86. Study on digital shearography for biomedical engineering, PI, 2003, Research Excellence Fund of School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  87. Software development for endoscopic shearography, PI, 2002-2003, a part of the German Research Funding (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen): “Study on Endoscopic ShearographyDevelopment? (Project Leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schuth, Trier University of Science,Trier, Germany)
  88. Strain measurement on an H2 9.25" Front Axle Assembly, PI, 2002, American Axle & Manufacturing, Michigan, USA
  89. Study on 3D-Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometery for MEMS measurement, PI, 2002, Research Excellence Fund of School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  90. 3D-Pulsed Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry for Measurement of Transient Vibrations, Co-PI (worked together with Dr. Reinhard Schubach while worked at Ettemeyer AG,Germany), 1998 -2000, a research project funded by the Science Foundation of the European Economic Community.
  91. Characterization of novel aircraft material (GLARE Panels) behaviors using optical methods, Co-PI (worked together with Professor Dr.-Ing. W. Steinchen while worked at University of Kassel, Germany), 1997-1998, a research project funded by the Science Foundation of the European Economic Community
  92. Development of digital shearography for dynamic measurement,Co-PI (worked together with Professor Dr.-Ing. W. Steinchen while worked at University of Kassel, Germany), 1997-1998, a DFG project (DFG means German National Research Foundation)
  93. Study on digital shearography for strain measurement, Co-PI (worked together with Professor Dr.-Ing. W. Steinchen while worked at University of Kassel, Germany), 1995-1996, a DFG project (DFG means German National Research Foundation).